FAQs – Telehealth services

Telehealth platform that lets you speak with your doctor without leaving your home. The innovative new method will not only help fight the spread of COVID-19, but create a new, comfortable, and user-friendly experience for our members. Aligned with the recommendations issued by the UAE’s Ministry of Interior and the National Emergency and Crisis and Disasters Management Authority for the UAE, our tele-consulting will help keep you safe and healthy.

What is the purpose of telehealth services?

At a time, when social distancing is among the major measures used to fight COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth is stepping-up as a key technology for safe and efficient health related communications. According to new World Health Organization policy, within the optimizing service delivery action, telehealth should be one of the alternative models for clinical services and clinical decision support.

Is it possible to properly evaluate the patients and provide medical diagnosis over the phone?

Yes – it is possible for medical doctors to do the clinical evaluations based on listening or looking at the patient. If recommended by doctor, video conferencing link is shared with the patient. During video-consultation, doctors will ask the same questions which are usually answered in the clinic. The doctors may use the camera to observe the patient closely. They may also ask the patient to upload the photos and previous medical reports to support the diagnosis during your call.

How telehealth is provided in United Arab Emirates?

Currently in United Arab Emirates, three channels are used for telehealth services:
  • Independent telehealth service providers which are not part of any hospital or medical center.
  • Healthcare providers such as hospitals and clinics which offer teleconsultation to their patients, through their licensed doctors.
  • Government Hotlines to provide medical information to specific segment of community for COVID-19 related information e.g.

Istijaba – Department of Health: 8001717

Ministry of Health and Prevention: 80011111

Dubai Health Authority: 800342

What kind of telehealth services are being offered by NAS-Neuron?

NAS-Neuron is offering 3 types of teleconsultation to their members:
  • General Physician Consultation using myNAS or Neuron mobile app.This service is available for all NAS-Neuron members regardless of their network. This also includes home delivery of medications and sample collection for laboratory tests recommended by GP.
  • Specialist consultation for new appointments under 3 healthcare groups including King’s College Hospital London, Mediclinic and Prime Healthcare group as per your network eligibility.
  • Teleconsultation for chronic medication refills and associated medical advice, by contacting your treating doctor directly within your network.

Can I get medical advice on COVID-19?

Yes – you can get medical advice if you are experiencing signs and symptoms of COVID-19. GP will guide you properly for the next steps to follow and provide the medical advice accordingly.

Can I use telehealth services – if I am not aware of my network?

General physician services are available for all NAS-Neuron members regardless of their network coverage. You can access these services using myNAS or Neuron mobile app. However, for specialist consultation and chronic medications refill, services will be subject to your network coverage. You can search your network or download the list of hospitals and clinics through mobile application.

How can I download myNAS or Neuron Mobile App?

myNAS and Neuron mobile apps are available on Android or iOS. You can download one of these applications and register yourself using your insurance card details given by your payer.

Do I have to pay GP consultation fee?

No – GP consultation is free of charge however you may need to pay applicable copayment for prescribed pharmacy and recommended lab tests as per your policy terms & conditions and subject to approval from your payer.

How will I get my medications prescribed by GP?

Prescribed medications will be delivered to your home after your confirmation for delivery. It usually takes up to 3 to 5 hours to deliver the medications depending on your location.

Do I have to pay specialist consultation fee?

In case of specialist consultation for covered medical conditions, charges will be paid by your insurance company however you may need to pay applicable deductible or copayment as per your policy terms & conditions.

Can I use another member’s details to see a doctor?

No – You must use your own insurance details to use the telehealth services. This allows your doctor to access the correct medical history and health profile. Prior to consultation, you will be asked to verify your Emirates ID and Insurance card details.

What should I do in case of life-threatening emergency?

Telehealth services are available only for non-emergency medical conditions like fever, flu, sore-throat, abdominal pain etc. In case of life-threatening condition e.g. cardiac pain or road traffic accident, call 998 or visit the emergency department of your nearest network facility.